FSFA Fish Report

In a hilarious twist of fate, Steve from the FSFA fishing club in St Johns had a fantastic day on Jan 8, 2024. Armed with some fancy ArtificalPlastic bait, Steve reeled in a whopper of a catch! Lets just say, Carol Collins and the bass were equally amazed. This little Largemouth weighed in at a whopping 3.6875 lbs and stretched a cool 19 inches! Steves got some serious skills, or maybe it was just pure luck. Either way, Carol is certainly impressed by Steves fishing prowess. Keep it up, Steve!

FSFA Fish Report

In a rather fishy tale, Steve from St Johns took Carol Collins and an invisible friend out for a fishing adventure! On 2024-01-08, Steve reeled in a whopping 3 lbs Bass Largemouth using the magical bait called ArtificalPlastic. The fish must have mistaken it for a hilarious joke because it couldnt resist taking a bite! We suspect Steves invisible friend couldnt stop laughing either. Well done, Steve! Keep those fish entertained with your fishing tricks!

FSFA Fish Report

In todays fishing report, Amy from Melbourne, FL had a comical encounter with a Drum weighing just half a pound but measuring a whopping 11 inches! It seems Amy managed to lure it in using the deadly tactic of Dead/FrozenBait. Fishing alongside Amy was the hilarious Donna Langston, who unfortunately couldnt match Amys success. Nonetheless, it was an eventful day for the FSFA fishing club with Amy, Donna, and the elusive Drum stealing the show!

FSFA Fish Report

On January 3rd, 2024, our fearless fishing club member Chris from St. Johns embarked on a hilarious adventure! Armed with nothing but a trusty plug as bait, Chris teamed up with the ever-entertaining angler Eric Griggs. Guess what? Their combined efforts landed them a whopping 7.25 lbs and [unknown] inches Bass-Sunshine! The fish mustve been so stunned by their comedic banter that it practically jumped into their boat. Way to go, Chris and Eric! Keep reeling in the laughs and the catches.

FSFA Fish Report

Incredible day out on the water, folks! Our esteemed FSFA fishing club member Randolph, sailing out of Light House south Cap Canaveral, had an epic adventure. Armed with Bobby as their trusty fishing partner, they managed to reel in an absolute beast of a Bass Largemouth weighing a whopping 16.2 lbs! And get this, it was a measly 12 inches long, can you believe it? These audacious anglers masterfully employed Dead/Frozen Bait as their bait of choice. Hats off to you, Randolph, for making waves and cracking us up!