CFOA Fish Report

Chris was reeling em in like a pro on the boat with Alex and Sam. They couldnt believe their eyes when Chris pulled up a massive Flounder that measured 23 inches long. Maybe it was Chris lucky fishing hat or just pure skill, but either way, this catch is definitely one for the books!

CFOA Fish Report

Alex had a whale of a time on the water with Chris and Pat. They reeled in a Flounder that was almost as big as their stories about the one that got away. The fish put up a good fight, but Alex showed it whos boss. Hopefully, this catch will be enough to impress the folks back at the CFOA fishing club.

CFOA Fish Report

Jon from CFOA went out on the boat It Matters with Chuck Evans and had a reel-y good day on the water. They reeled in a 17.7-pound Dolphin, which was definitely a ‘fin-tastic’ catch. Jon was feeling ‘reel-y’ proud of their haul, and even though they didnt have any big fish tales to share, they definitely had a whale of a time out on the water.

CFOA Fish Report

Despite the rough seas, Jon managed to reel in a hefty Tuna on the It Matters. Chuck and [Name] were impressed by Jons fisherman skills, although [Name] did provide some not-so-helpful commentary on proper baiting techniques. Overall, it was a successful day of fishing for the CFOA club members out of Ponce.

CFOA Fish Report

Jon had the catch of the day out on the water with Chuck and Alex. Reeling in a feisty Snapper, Jon proved that size doesnt matter when it comes to fishing skills. The CFOA fishing club will be talking about this epic catch for days to come. Way to go, Jon!

CFOA Fish Report

On 4/14, Jon from CFOA was reeling in the big ones out of Ponce with the crew on It Matters. They caught a massive 15.4-pound Snapper, making all the other fish jealous. Chuck, Alex, and Sam were there to witness the epic battle of man vs. fish. Lets just say Jon came out victorious and dinner was served for days. Way to show those fish whos boss, Jon!